
IPA: dʒɪŋgoʊˈɪst


  • One who advocates an aggressive nationalism; one who vociferously supports a nation's military aims.


  • Jingoistic; extremely supportive of warlike foreign policy.

Examples of "jingoist" in Sentences

  • No S A - the word you are looking for is "jingoist".
  • Letting this Luntizian jingoist crap frame your brains.
  • I remember the jingoist phrase that ‘We cant switch leaders in the time of war’
  • John Yoo is a jingoist lawyer at the unfortunate cross-hairs of a very bad decision.
  • During World War I he wrote a jingoist poem “Hymn of Hate against England” that swept Germany.
  • The term "jingoist;" or its equivalent, was applied to Washington and Henry, to Jefferson and Jackson.
  • When are Orwells sheep ever going to figure out the jingoist crap, mere words, are being used to make rubes of them?
  • As opposed to the jingoist neocons who want to export the wonders of American capitalism, abortion, liberalism, and Starbucks all over the face of the earth.
  • Apparently Looney Luntzs rotational resistors had a short and the same old folks as before didnt have knobs not of their own, to twist when some jingoist thought echoed about the sheeply tiny pink globs existing within their cavernous cephalic
  • Gross points to two “key moments” in the twentieth century American history of racial and gender identity occurring initially when “racial identity trials shifted from more routine adjudications of ancestry to intense contests about science and performance, ” and subsequently when jingoist and nativist movements ignited “efforts to define the boundaries of citizenship racially.

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