
IPA: dʒɪŋgoʊˈɪstɪk


  • Overly patriotic or nationalistic, often with an element of favouring war or an aggressive foreign policy.

Examples of "jingoistic" in Sentences

  • Other readers may rest assured that the only 'jingoistic' event at the Proms remains the singing of Land of Hope and Glory on the last night.
  • This is the same kind of jingoistic thinking that compels millions to watch the Olympics every four years and look at all the peace and good will that it has generated.
  • I maintain that the argument for war was always built more upon a kind of jingoistic conventional wisdom that deliberately obfuscated the evidence that war was entirely unnecessary.
  • However the manager resented my bringing this to her attention, as if she didn't personally care and I some kind of jingoistic loon for desiring respect be given to the Stars N 'Stripes.
  • This kind of jingoistic blustering was rampant in the South before the Civil War; how the ‘boys in grey’ could each whip 10 dirty Yankees with one arm tied behind their backs before breakfast …
  • The Last Night of the Proms is when we get the Sea Shanties, Rule Britannia, Land of Hope & Glory and Jerusalem - it's always a bone of contention for those who don't like its 'jingoistic' element, but anytime anyone talks about changing it there's an outcry ...long topic, will save it up for another time.
  • "Between references to the Troubles, the Holocaust and post-9/11 America to the Cuban Boat Lift of the 80s and the Japanese internment of the 40s, it is clear that Cuarón sees the world as a constant power struggle between the established and the excluded, a continuation of colonialism and imperialism wrapped up in jingoistic jargon and problematic patriotism."

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