IPA: kʌfɝ
- (Islam, countable, offensive, religious slur) A disbeliever, a denier: someone who rejects or disbelieves in Allah or the tenets of Islam; or more broadly any non-Muslim.
- (obsolete) The Nuristani language family.
- (uncountable) Short for kafir corn.
- Alternative spelling of Kaffir
Examples of "kafir" in Sentences
- The word kuffar appears to be an alternative spelling of kafir, an Arabic word meaning "unbeliever."
- I am calling your kafir yuppie ass to a fight with no rules and we can do this at any number of masjids.
- The term kafir is often qualified, in both historical and legal texts, by the word "accursed," though not invariably.
- The hybrids were developed by crossing sorghums from southern Africa (the so-called kafir type) with others from Central Africa (caudatum types).
- Shubaylat refused to declare Zarqawi a "kafir"--as the Iraqi Shi`ite guest kept requesting--because he said that he is opposed to the very method.
- The term kafir, in Turkish gavur, in the central lands of Islam, has been used since early times for all non-Muslims, whether monotheists or idolaters.
- I am sure that given the change the barbarian untermenchen would have used them without a second thought to exterminate us so called "kafir" in their perverted holy war.
- I have pointed out before, a careful study of the word kafir or infidel in the Qur'an will show that it never is used in an unadorned way to refer to non-Muslims in general.
- In the west, as well as in Asia and Africa, including in some Muslim-majority countries, I have repeatedly been called a kafir (disbeliever), a murtad (apostate) or an impostor seeking to adulterate Islam and destroy it from within.