IPA: kˈaʊɫjˈæŋ
- A sorghum-based variety of baijiu.
- Any of various Chinese varieties of sorghum.
Examples of "kaoliang" in Sentences
- Either that or they started on the kaoliang a week early.
- •Be careful if drinking kaoliang, a potent sorghum liquor.
- The kaoliang, or sorghum, winemaker plans to expand market share in China,
- In the northern parts, especially, millions of villagers consider kaoliang a part of everyday living.
- And when all that muddy water covered our fields, we had nothing to eat, except dried kaoliang cakes.
- Cross-pollination with a wild Chinese sorghum seems the most likely reason why the sorghum now found in China (the kaoliang group) has its own distinctive character.
- As in the West, alcohol in Taiwanese culture is a social lubricant, the imbibing of which is seen by many as a measure of fortitude and spunk -- particularly if drinkers knock down a shot of hard liquor like kaoliang in one gulp.