IPA: kˈaʊɫɪn
- A fine clay, rich in kaolinite, used in ceramics, paper-making, etc.
Examples of "kaolin" in Sentences
- · Adsorbents, such as kaolin, pectin and activated charcoal.
- Another crop they use is called kaolin (pronounced "gollin" in this country).
- Aluminum silicate Also called kaolin, this clay mineral was the "kao" in antidiarrheal Kaopectate until 1989.
- Besides the coloring, a "filler" is usually added at this time, such as kaolin, the fine clay of which china is made.
- In relatively pure condition it is called kaolin; in the impure state, mixed with sand and other substances, it forms common clay.
- In contrast, the Meissen factory created more impermeable ceramics like those made in China by combining a white clay called kaolin into the mix and firing the pieces at high temperatures.
- It engages in iron ore mining, pellet production, manganese ore mining and ferroalloy production, as well as in the production of nonferrous minerals, such as kaolin, potash, copper and gold.
- If you want to make a china cup, you must have a fine sort of clay called "kaolin," which is pure white when it is fired and is not very common; but if you want to make bricks, it will not be at all difficult to find a suitable clay bank.