IPA: kˈæpʌt
- (informal) Out of order; not working.
Examples of "kaput" in Sentences
- Well, he didn't say "kaput" but the answer was just as bad.
- "kaput" Monday afternoon when I started trying to update the video drivers.
- Thrfeed also claims Lipstick Jungle is officially kaput, which is news to us, but
- The only lesson here is that Kaizen only goes "kaput" when you take the focus away from trying to improve the system.
- We should reject Julius Pokorny's Indo-European root *kaput which is poorly justified both phonetically and distributionally.
- R W Posner's article, noted at Buzz Flash and posted at politicalcortex, elicits emotions of 'kaput' and 'ersatz' experienced between 1st & 2nd WWs.
- The actress was slammed on a celebrity site as having a career that's gone "kaput" and as having "stooped pretty low" to take on her April 11-debuting Lifetime film, "Tribute."
- LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa denied Thursday a recent report on a local blog that said his marriage to Corina Villaraigosa was "kaput" and that he and his wife had separated...
- VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'INDOCTRI-NATION: FAIT ACCOMPLI'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'R W Posner\'s article, noted at Buzz Flash and posted at politicalcortex, elicits emotions of "kaput" and "ersatz" experienced between 1st & 2nd WWs.
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