IPA: kˈɛrʌt
- (US) A unit of fineness or concentration of gold equalling 1/24 part of gold in an alloy.
Examples of "karat" in Sentences
- A karat is a measure of the portion of pure gold in an alloy.
- Whenever gold is purchased, sold, or even discussed, the term karat weight seems to tag along with it.
- Also, that dental gold is more than 15-karat, which is, sadly, better quality than most of the jewelry I own.
- The mystique surrounding words such as karat and carat most probably survives from the days of the Old World craftsmen.
- Vronsky, Anna Karenina's faithless lover, is from the Russian voron, ` raven, 'and Karenina is from the word karat ` to punish.'