IPA: kˈæt
- An ancient Egyptian unit of weight, one fiftieth of an avoirdupois pound.
- A short form of the female given names Katharine and Katherine.
- Alternative spelling of khat [A shrub, Catha edulis, whose leaves are used as a mild stimulant when chewed or brewed as tea; also a drug produced from this plant.]
Examples of "kat" in Sentences
- With a click of her mouse, EatingLiberally's Kerry Trueman, aka kat, corners Dr. Marion Nestle, NYU professor of nutrition and author of Feed Your Pet ...
- With a click of her mouse, EatingLiberally's kat, aka Kerry Trueman, corners Dr. Marion Nestle, NYU professor of nutrition and author of What to Eat, Food Politics, and Feed Your Pet Right:
- With a click of her mouse, EatingLiberally's Kerry Trueman, aka kat, corners Dr. Marion Nestle, NYU professor of nutrition and author of Feed Your Pet Right, Pet Food Politics, What to Eat, Food Politics, and Safe Food:
- January 2, 2006 at 3: 37 pm kat: is it the same iranian moonbat with the bad haircut and the “members only” jacket? seriously though. they can sputter and spin all they want. they only prove by their “positions” how out of the mainstream they are.