IPA: kˈinnʌs
- sharpness or cutting ability
- astuteness or sagacity
- eagerness or enthusiasm
Examples of "keenness" in Sentences
- This sacristan has that simple keenness which is a rarity in Venice.
- "keenness" to invest in South Africa and had raised several "ideas" to contribute in this regard.
- "John is still after the caves," and Harry laughed, as he recalled the keenness with which John had arranged the trips.
- As a matter of fact, the keenness which is as a rule most developed in the public school product is keenness about athletic exercises.
- Love is frightened at the intervals of insensibility and callousness that encroach by little and little on the dominion of grief, and it makes efforts to recall the keenness of the first anguish.
- The interest and excitement of each member of the party often seems to affect the others, and to lead up to an intense mutual keenness which is often superior even to that experienced in single play.
- For a moment he gazed around with that peculiar, all-observing keenness which is given to those whose lives are spent in countries where human habitation is sparse -- where the work of man is lost in the immensity of
- Then, of course, you must observe the individual traits that characterize the new farmer, such as keenness, business instinct, readiness to adopt new methods, and, in fact, all the qualities that make a man a success today in any calling.
- America, and its approaching the pole nearer than Europe or Asia, and from the immense continent stretching from the St. Lawrence towards the pole and to the westward; and also from the enormous chain of mountains which extend to an unknown distance through that frozen region, covered with eternal snow and frost; over which the wind in its passage acquires that piercing keenness which is felt as far as the Gulf of
- There are men who, when in difficulties, originate at the moment vast ideas or dazzling projects; who, under the influence of excitement, are able to cast a light, almost as if from inspiration, on a subject or course of action which comes before them; who have a sudden presence of mind equal to any emergency, rising with the occasion, and an undaunted magnanimous bearing, and an energy and keenness which is but made intense by opposition.