
IPA: kˈɛɫt


  • A thin, recently spawned iteroparous salmon.
  • (Scotland) Cloth with the nap, generally of native black wool.
  • Obsolete spelling of Celt [(historical) A member of one of the ancient peoples of Western Europe called Celtae by the Romans.]
  • Pronunciation spelling of kilt. [A traditional Scottish garment, usually worn by men, having roughly the same morphology as a wrap-around skirt, with overlapping front aprons and pleated around the sides and back, and usually made of twill-woven worsted wool with a tartan pattern.]

Examples of "kelt" in Sentences

  • Let us still be thankful; a kelt is better than nothing,
  • Alas! it was kelt number two, and not more than 10 lb. at that.
  • Now I know it was the Food Poison Diet that gave you that svelte-kelt look!
  • The incidents that had to be deplored were what the salmon fisherman calls the kelt nuisance.
  • The gillie did not take up the gaff now, and my hopes were dashed, for it meant that he had recognised a kelt, which must be tailed.
  • Two fish showed during the day, a shockingly black beggar of not less than 30 lb. which jumped out of the water, and another kelt which plunged out of range.
  • A similar bit of frivolity was practised by another fish ten minutes later at my middle rod, which, I forgot to say, had brought the well-mended kelt to bank.
  • The boat of to-day, for example, accounted yesterday for one solitary kelt, though it had shared our experience of futile pulls and visible rises in the afternoon.
  • The first landing was to get rid of a kelt; and in all, if I may anticipate, we had five of them -- a small fish of, say, 6 lb., and the rest between 12 lb. and 15 lb.
  • Harling and the notebook were resumed, and lest we should settle down too readily to monotony, a flutter down stream betrayed the whereabouts of the Black Dog, betrayed also a wretched little kelt (about 5 lb.), called in these parts a "kelt grilse."

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