
IPA: kˈitoʊn


  • (organic chemistry) A homologous series of organic molecules whose functional group is an oxygen atom joined to a carbon atom—by a double bond—in a carbon-hydrogen based molecule.

Examples of "ketone" in Sentences

  • Starting to get the ketone-breath thing less, which is good.
  • These reactions are caused by enzymes, air or moulds (so - called ketone rancidity).
  • And the ketone-breath thing is gone, thanks to insane water consumption. * crosses fingers that kidneys are totally okay*
  • _ [Greek: b] _-digallic acid by heating ethyl gallate with pyroracemic acid and sulphuric acid and proposed the so-called ketone-tannin formula: --
  • Yes, I am being careful, and also am drinking much water - I had a little resurgence of the feeling ketone-y yesterday, but much water was consumed.
  • We found terrible things like benzene, which affects the nervous system, carbon monoxide, toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, which is hazardous to human health at any level, and other carcinogens.
  • High-protein diets can stress your kidneys and, over the long term, lead to kidney damage, osteoporosis, gallstones and ketoacidosis, an unhealthy buildup of ketone bodies in the bloodstream.
  • The shake contains caprylic triglyceride, a compound derived from coconut oil that is metabolized in the liver to produce ketone bodies, which serve as alternate brain fuel for Alzheimer's patients, the company says.
  • In ketosis, the body starts breaking down whatever it can get its hands on - starting with fat, but moving on to proteins in muscle and organs - and creating byproducts called ketone bodies that will eventually reach toxic levels.

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