
IPA: kˈipæd


  • A small board with keys primarily used for tactile input into a machine.

Examples of "keypad" in Sentences

  • Head back to door and input 4793 in keypad, press button on bottom.
  • But the Touch keypad is a nonstarter, unless Apple adds some tactile feedback.
  • Noticed the back of the phone where the keypad is being quite warm (very apparant).
  • A full Qwerty keypad is on theback of the device, but it's inactive when the phone is folded and closed.
  • Sending email via a T9 keypad is not ideal, and most soft keyboards I have see to date have been frustratingly slow.
  • I still haven’t got the hang of blogging using my mobile, mainly because my keypad is tiny, and I hate having to write at length on it.
  • The N85's keypad is shorter and tighter than the N81's but a welcome change is that there is much more space above the first row, making it much easier to hit the 1, 2, 3 keys.
  • Waller said that Castillo would present a credit card to make a purchase, claim the card was defective, take a keypad from the clerk and punch in a series of numbers that only provided him
  • This keypad is hard to describe, but it looks like it could be really cool -- basically, you mash your phone-keys in the direction of the letters you want and the letters come up on your phone.
  • If you must carry your cell phone on you, make sure that the keypad is positioned toward your body and the back is positioned toward the outside so that the transmitted electromagnetic fields move away from your rather than through you.

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