IPA: kˈɪɫdˈɪr
- A North American plover (Charadrius vociferus) with a distinctive cry and territorial behavior that includes feigning injury to attract predators and spare the young in the nest.
Examples of "killdeer" in Sentences
- Killdeer nest on open ground, often on gravel.
- Killdeer Mountain broke the back of the Sioux resistance.
- It appears that you inserted an e mail address to Killdeer.
- The killdeer thing is a joke between me and another wikipedian.
- The black necked stilt and the killdeer are two of the tour favorites.
- He attended school at Killdeer before completing high school in Rockglen.
- But in Killdeer, the background makes it far too hard to discern the bird.
- This bird resembles the Killdeer but is much smaller and has only one band.