IPA: kˈɪŋfɪʃɝ
- Any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines (or the family Alcedinidae sensu lato), having a large head, short tail and brilliant colouration; they feed mostly on fish.
- common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
- A city, the county seat of Kingfisher County, Oklahoma, United States.
Examples of "kingfisher" in Sentences
- The vibrant blue and orange feathers of the kingfisher glinted in the sunlight as it darted down to catch its prey
- The kingfisher perched on a branch overlooking the sparkling river, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to dive in
- With lightning speed, the kingfisher plunged into the water and emerged with a wriggling fish in its beak
- The kingfisher's distinctive call echoed through the forest, signaling its presence to all who listened
- Watching the kingfisher's graceful movements, I couldn't help but admire the beauty and skill of this magnificent bird