
IPA: kˈɪŋʃɪp


  • The dignity, rank or office of a king; the state of being a king.
  • A monarchy.
  • The territory or dominion of a king; a kingdom.

Examples of "kingship" in Sentences

  • And his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.
  • There are two forms of monarchy: kingship, which is limited by prescribed conditions, and ‘tyranny’, which is not limited by anything.
  • So, if Gondor is a much greater realm, then the analogy should still apply and the kingship should be assumable after the passage of 10000 years.
  • If this small minority dwindles down to unity, the regime that comes into existence is called kingship, provided that the ruler is a virtuous man.
  • For the purpose of making their own positions sure, they were in the habit of impressing it upon their people that the kingship was a divine institution.
  • Living outside the country for decades, returning only to receive the mantle of kingship from a desperate, rudderless party, he is seen by many as lacking in the visceral day-to-day sense of being a Canadian, working and living in this land.
  • Israel had its petty kings, the Judges; it had its later monarchy with Saul and David and Solomon and the epigones who came after them (Gaer [1951], pp. 207-50); and the idea of kingship continues in the Messiah whose conception, literal and figurative, gave to Christianity its crucified
  • Bahrwan, that Allah hath bestowed upon me the Kingdom of Kabul, and hath given me dominion over the Banu Shahlan and vouchsafed me a mighty empire; and if I marry thy daughter, we will be, I and thou, as one thing in kingship; and I will send thee every year as much treasure as will suffice thee.
  • This classification is doubled by introducing a qualitative criterion: goodness—a government being good when it concerns itself with the common good and bad when it aims at private advantages.3 The good government of a single man is called kingship, the bad one tyranny; the good government of the few, aristocracy, the bad, oligarchy; the good government of the many is timocracy or politia,4 the bad, democracy in the special Aristotelian sense.5

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