IPA: kˈɪtʃʌn
- A room or area for preparing food.
- (by extension) Cuisine; style of cooking.
- (chiefly African-American Vernacular) The nape of a person's hairline, often referring to its uncombed or "nappy" look.
- (music) The percussion section of an orchestra.
- (dated) A utensil for roasting meat.
- (attributive) A domesticated or uneducated form of a language.
- (slang) A public gaming room in a casino.
- (obsolete) Anything eaten as a relish with bread, potatoes, etc.; a condiment.
- The region of a billiard table between the head rail and the head string.
- A surname.
- To do kitchen work; to prepare food.
- To embellish a basic food; to season, add condiments, etc.
- (by extension) To embellish; to dress up.
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