IPA: koʊˈɑɫʌ
- A tree-dwelling marsupial, Phascolarctos cinereus, that resembles a small bear with a broad head, large ears and sharp claws, mainly found in eastern Australia.
- (countable) A surname.
- A West African placename
- A village and commune of the Saaba department, Kadiogo, Centre, Burkina Faso
- A village and commune of the Sourgoubila department, Kourwéogo, Plateau-Central, Burkina Faso
- (historical, 18th century) A former settlement and capital of Koala, Liptako, West Africa, destroyed at the end of the eponymous kingdom by Fula rebellion
- (historical, 18th century) A former kingdom in Liptako, West Africa founded by the Gourmantché people
- (historical, 19th century) A former kingdom in Liptako, West Africa founded by the Gourmantché people after the destruction of the first kingdom by the Fula
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