
IPA: ɫɑbiˈɑteɪ


  • (botany) A plant of the mint family (Labiatae)


  • To labialize.


  • Having lips or liplike parts.
  • (botany, of flowers such as the snapdragon) Having the corolla divided into two liplike parts.
  • (botany) of, or belonging to the mint family (Labiatae, now Lamiaceae).

Examples of "labiate" in Sentences

  • The honey gathered from the genus erica (termed _heather honey_) and most labiate plants, is wholesome.
  • Like other labiate herbs [490] it is aromatic and fragrant, because containing a volatile, camphoraceous, essential oil.
  • The whole plant possesses a balsamic odour, and an aromatic taste, due to its particular volatile oil, and its characteristic resin, as a fragrant labiate herb.
  • The Calamint, or Basil Thyme, grows frequently in [344] our waysides and hedges, a labiate plant, with downy stems and leaves, whilst bearing light purple flowers.
  • Each of the Horehounds is a labiate plant; and this, the water variety, bears flesh coloured flowers, whilst containing a volatile oil, a resin, a bitter principle, and tannin.
  • The cultivated Hyssop, now of frequent occurrence in the herb-bed, and a favourite plant there because of its fragrance, belongs to the labiate order, and possesses cordial qualities which give it rank as a
  • Whereas the flowers of the labiate family are treated by the distillers as favorites are by the gods, and are cut off in their youth, those of the Umbelliferæ are allowed to mature and develop into the oil-yielding fruits.
  • The Peppermint (_Mentha piperita_), or "Brandy Mint," so called because having a pungent smell, and taste of a peppery (_piper_) nature, is a labiate plant, found not uncommonly in moist places throughout Britain, and occurring of several varieties.
  • Honey derived from cruciferous plants, such as rape, ladies 'smock, and the wallflower, crystallizes quickly, often, indeed, within the comb before it is removed from the hive; whilst Honey from labiate plants, and from fruit trees in general, remains unchanged for several months after being extracted from the comb.
  • Each of the teeth of the calyx is represented by a long stalk, terminated by a single articulated leaflet, the bi-labiate form of the calyx is still recognisable; the two upper petals are united, the three lower separate; the tube of the calyx is not deformed and seems to be formed of the petioles of the sepals united by their stipules.

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