IPA: ɫʌbɫˈæb
- Any of the twining leguminous plants related to the bean, especially the hyacinth bean.
Examples of "lablab" in Sentences
- The best of such crops are legumes, including the vigorous velvet bean and lablab bean.
- Commonly called the lablab bug or globular stink bug, it's pea-sized and brownish with a wide posterior.
- Embu: njavi, njabi nzavi English: hyacinth bean, bonavist bean, lablab bean Giriama: mpupu Kamba: mbumbu, ngiima, nzavi
- We have plenty of lablab beans, pigeon peas and leucaena, including a variety that is hopefully less toxic because it is low in mimosine.
- Good crops to consider include clover, chicory, Austrian winter peas, brassicas such as rape, lablab, cow peas, wheat, and mixtures from wildlife seed companies.
- ECHO's seedbank began in 1981 with the top recommendations of tropical plant specialist Dr. Frank Martin-quail grass, amaranths, tropical pumpkins, lablab beans, tropical lettuce, and more.
- Nourishing the Planet found that researchers, nongovernmental organizations and farmers are rediscovering traditional diets and improving the availability and cultural acceptance of nutritious indigenous vegetables -- like moringa and lablab.