IPA: ɫˈeɪbɝɪŋ
- The act of one who labors; toil; work done.
Examples of "laboring" in Sentences
- Edwin believed in the mechanic arts, and in what are called laboring men.
- Consequently the men who worked in laboring jobs found their health deteriorating.
- Women who are 'laboring' experience enormous pain and out of that pain comes a baby.
- Going back to what you said, though, why do games need defenses for people who spend all this time "laboring" to create something?
- He had worked as a boy at all manner of studies like other boys, but the idea of laboring in distasteful matters for the sake of being first among his companions seemed utterly absurd to him.
- Until he laid aside his pencil from illness, at the age of sixty-six, he was constantly in his painting-room from ten till four, daily, "laboring" as he himself said, "as hard as a mechanic working for his bread."
- Thus, in laboring to control Kitty, Mrs. Pervical must necessarily attempt to imagine what her niece imagines, and this process, indeed, causes precisely the "profound epistemological panic" Sha describes when she cannot differentiate between her own
- You may say, "Well, I'd get a job; I'd do anything; I'd dig ditches; I'd --" Well, they do not dig ditches in winter, and when they do dig them you must have a vote before you can get a job even at that labor and you cannot get a job at any kind of laboring work unless your physique and clothes look the part.
- Yes, sir; in 1872 -- giving a description of government lands and railroads that could be got cheap; and we held little meetings then; that is, we would meet and talk about it Sunday evenings -- that is, the laboring class of our people -- the only ones I knew anything about; I had not much to do with the big professional Negroes, the rich men.
- For, though not one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand of our poorer and so-called laboring class may choose to actually achieve independence by taking up and tilling a portion of the public lands, it is plain that the knowledge that any one may do so makes those who do not more contented with their lot, which they thus feel to be one of choice and not of compulsion.