
IPA: ɫæsɝˈeɪʃʌn


  • An irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue.
  • The act of lacerating or tearing.

Examples of "laceration" in Sentences

  • "severe contusion" under Spencer's right eye and a "laceration" above his lip.
  • "Right now, he's fortunate that the laceration is the only thing that he sustained."
  • Grimmjow's ultimate technique is called Desgarron or "laceration" in Spanish which projects energy claws at an opponent.
  • LORD: A laceration is a cut which, in fact, can be received as a result of falling on the cement floor from a high velocity at six feet.
  • The sharp edges of the broken chest clip create a risk of a skin laceration and the fractured components of the chest clip may present a small parts/choking hazard.
  • -- The usual signs of fracture in connexion with some serious complication, such as laceration of bladder or rectum, injury to the peritoneum, division of arteries and veins.
  • Already without guard Bobby Jackson, who will miss three months because of wrist surgery, the Kings lost center Brad Miller to a shin laceration late in the first quarter and guard Doug Christie to an ejection in the third.
  • All she can do is to struggle against it in secret — to sink in the contest if she is weak; to win her way through it if she is strong, by a process of self-laceration which is, of all moral remedies applied to a woman’s nature, the most dangerous and the most desperate; of all moral changes, the change that is surest to mark her for life.

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