IPA: ɫˈækrˈaɪmʌɫ
- A lachrymatory (vase intended for collecting tears).
- (humorous, in the plural) Lachrymal feelings or organs.
- (anatomy) Alternative spelling of lacrimal.
- (formal, literary) Connected with weeping or tears.
- (anatomy) Alternative spelling of lacrimal. [(anatomy) Of or relating to tears or the tear-secreting organs.]
Examples of "lachrymal" in Sentences
- Pet him until poor lachrymal glands ran dry tears.
- It's the explosion of grief, a lachrymal carpet bomb detonated by the wails of men, women, and children all over the world.
- We must be sensibly touched to force the lachrymal gland to compress itself, and to spread its liquor on the orbit of the eye; but the will alone is required to laugh.
- You don't have to spend ten years building painstaking expertise in the lachrymal secretions of herring gulls or whatever you've locked yourself into before you can play around.
- I do resort to tissues in some very sad scenes in the movies and especially the Bollywood movies where the sole motive of some directors is to squeeze the audiences' lachrymal glands, a bit sadistic don't you think so?
- Yet this is a myth: hillaries possess lachrymal glands which secrete a proteinaceous fluid, just like in humans, though tears will only be visible after a hillary is out of the water for a prolonged period of time, and dries out.
- And though I already unabashedly and silently cried with my back turned to Carol and Daniel as they guarded me to sleep in my room after all the stitches, I still needed a healthy lachrymal release – and Joon knowingly drew the tears out.
- What relation is there between a melancholy idea and this limpid and briny liquid filtered through a little gland into the external corner of the eye which moistens the conjunctiva and little lachrymal points, whence it descends into the nose and mouth by the reservoir called the lachrymal duct, and by its conduits?
- After the last adieu had been given, and Miss Jane had rubbed her eyes enough with her fine pocket-hand kerchief (or, perhaps, in this case, it would be well to employ the suggestion of a modern author, and say her "lachrymal,") I say, after all was over, and Mr. Summerville's interesting form was fairly lost in the distance,