IPA: ɫˈækrɪmˈeɪʃʌn
- (medicine or literary) The flow of tears; crying
Examples of "lachrymation" in Sentences
- The closure of the eye and the lachrymation are quite involuntary, and so is the disturbance of the heart.
- These compounds were employed on a large scale to produce temporary blindness by lachrymation, or weeping.
- These were, in fact, bursting a few yards away, with no more serious results than lachrymation and vomiting.
- These substances caused great inconvenience through temporary blindness by lachrymation, but were not highly toxic.
- This pellicle is also said to have a connection with the heart, which arrangement furnishes a decidedly curious explanation of the mechanism of sympathetic and maudlin lachrymation.
- Chronic poisoning (iodism) is characterized by coryza, salivation, and lachrymation, frontal headache, loss of appetite, marked mental depression, acne of the face and chest, and a petechial eruption on the limbs.
- These were the rubrics I chose for him: 1. Eye, inflammation 2. Eye, inflammation, acute 3. Generals, aggravated on the right side 4. Generals, sudden onset 5. Eye, lachrymation 6. Eye, protrusion with red discoloration.
- In order to counter the use of lachrymatory compounds by the enemy, compounds which penetrated the helmet insufficiently to cause serious casualties but sufficiently to hamper the individual by lachrymation, goggles were introduced in which the eyes were protected by rims of rubber sponge.
- So, although still of a twitter with amazement at Miss JESSIMINA'S announcement, I considered it the better part of valour to corroborate it with promptitude, rather than incur the shocking punches and kicks of numerous athletic young commercials; and, upon hearing the piece of good news, Mrs MANKLETOW exploded into lachrymation, saying that she was divested of narrow-minded racial colour prejudices, and had from the first regarded me as a beloved son.