
IPA: ɫɑkˈɑnɪkɫi


  • In a terse manner, given to using few words.

Examples of "laconically" in Sentences

  • "She's made of it," laconically, "and I aims to stay by her."
  • "They were that big," Payne says laconically, before admitting that she suffered a mild panic attack.
  • Brooks replied, "laconically" that right before Christmas of that year, his mother's house in Chesterfield was burned to the ground.
  • “After you wit’ heem,” a bird called laconically, squeezing past going the other way and tutting in annoyance when they shoved her aside.
  • Alastair Morgan remarked laconically on Friday that the only hope now for the murderers to end up in jail would be if one of them "finds God".
  • In Foraker's telling, someone is "laconically murdered," a preacher works up a "pulpit sweat" and—slyly—"husbands know best; that is understood."
  • Reagan was determined to “stay the course,” although he noted laconically in his memoirs that “the turnaround took a little longer than I expected.”
  • Totally against the rules, during homeroom period, he'd laconically lounge out in the hall, always with a toothpick peeking out of the corner of his mouth.
  • "The lack of understanding of how money is made and the rewards given to those who make it," he notes laconically, "are as relevant today as they were in the days of Savonarola."
  • The parole licence notes laconically that in 1879 "this prisoner rendered prompt assistance in protecting an assistant matron when assaulted … in the Protestant chapel during divine service".

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