IPA: ɫˈækʌnɪzʌm
- (uncountable, rhetoric) Extreme brevity in expression.
- (countable) A very or notably brief expression.
Examples of "laconism" in Sentences
- For a day or two following Devereau's unsatisfactory laconism nothing developed.
- "Fifty-one cents," said the girl, through the inimitable laconism of gum chewing.
- I am glad you have connected your negotiations and anecdotes; and, I hope, not with your usual laconism.
- "Blight, Mildew, and Smut," he replied, with the laconism of one who is absolutely certain of his own mind.
- Jake Gyllenhaal brought just the right mix of cowboy laconism, and passion, to Brokeback Mountain, a film that's on the trail toward rustling up Oscar gold.
- I have purposed to avoid all exuberant ornaments of style, all pompous parade of erudition, and contented myself with a plain diction, and a strict laconism.
- First he had not sufficient command of English to translate with the necessary laconism and assonance: secondly in his day British Philistinism was too rampant to permit a literal translation.
- Knowing, however, how little laconism is prized by an East-African audience, I did not fail to follow up this answer with an Arabic speech of the dimensions of an average sermon, and then shouldering my blade left the circle abruptly.
- Perhaps her demeanor was stiller, her laconism curter, her distaste to uninteresting companionship and current small-talk more profound, than usual; but no one seemed to see the deeper tinge of her ordinary color, and she passed muster, for her creditably.
- Upon legal matters, public ceremonies, fetes of different times, there was also silence at the best, the same laconism; and when we come to the affairs of Rome and of the League, it is a pleasure to see the author glide over that dangerous ice on his Jesuit skates!