
IPA: ɫˈækɝ


  • A glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating; either a natural exudation of certain trees, or a solution of nitrocellulose in alcohol, etc.


  • To apply a lacquer to something or to give something a smooth, glossy finish.

Examples of "lacquer" in Sentences

  • You'll want to roll him in lacquer and post him on your mantel.
  • … a huge maroon armoire, in Chinese lacquer; its double doors are slightly ajar … The jaunty background
  • There was a satinwood writing table under the window and a work-table in Japanese lacquer, very small and dainty.
  • Both the Mazarin Chest and the Van Diemen Box mark the beginning of the trade in Japanese lacquer of the "Fine Period" that had a great influence on the decorative arts in Europe for more than 200 years.
  • It is the gum of that tree commonly called the lacquer-tree, which when taken fresh and applied to the object it is intended to lacquer turns jet-black on exposure to the sun, drying with great hardness.
  • In that case, give the shoes a thin coating of jewelers 'grade protective lacquer, which is invisible when dry-In either the polished or unpolished state the shoes can be given a "statuary bronze" coloration chemically.
  • The art of japanning was revived in England late in the eighteenth century, and some remarkable pieces appear to have been the work of amateurs who painted and gilded so-called lacquer work, tea caddies, and jewelled caskets.
  • What distinguishes Uruapan lacquer from the rest of the lot is a technique called embutido, a fine carving of lacquer, hand-rubbed, incised, inlaid, and rubbed with an additional color in successive steps, taking at least a month to complete.
  • The new Classic features the AccuTrigger, a hinged floor plate with a straight-line feed, a high-luster blued-barreled action (no sights, drilled and tapped for scopes), a satin lacquer American walnut stock and a Monte Carlo comb and cheekpiece.

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