IPA: ɫˈækteɪs
- (biochemistry, organic chemistry) A β-galactosidase enzyme that is involved in the hydrolysis of the disaccharide lactose into constituent galactose and glucose monomers.
Examples of "lactase" in Sentences
- The loss of lactase is genetically regulated only.
- Usually lactose intolerant means that the enzyme lactase is missing or in small quantities.
- (Lactose intolerance has proven intractable because the lack of lactase is not reversible.)
- Has anyone done any research on how much lactase is needed to balance out 1 gram of lactose?
- [I] f babies aren't given milk after weaning, their intestines think lactase is no longer needed and intolerance is the result.
- Those with celiac disease often become lactose intolerant because the disease affects the inner lining of the intestine where lactase is made.
- But since I had years of being lactose intolerant before lactase pills came on the market, I can safely say that lactase is the closest equivalent to a wonder drug ever marketed.