IPA: ɫæktˈeɪʃʌn
- The secretion of milk from the mammary gland of a female mammal.
- The process of providing the milk to the young; breastfeeding.
- The period of time that a mother lactates to feed her young; lactation period.
Examples of "lactation" in Sentences
- The process of making breast milk is called lactation.
- According to Newman, lactation is listed as a possible side effect of the heart medication digoxin.
- Male lactation is most commonly caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer.
- That was followed by a couple dozen entries that fell for the testes gambit, and only one curiosity seeker who chose "lactation" - guess everyone knew about the fruit bats.
- As he took mental notes on the relevant biology and process, a curious Flinx could not keep from mentally substituting the term lactation for secretion, even though nothing about the practice had anything to do with milk.