IPA: ɫˈæktoʊs
- (biochemistry) The disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products, C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁, a product of glucose and galactose used as a food and in medicinal compounds.
Examples of "lactose" in Sentences
- This may be a long shot, but is it possible that they contain lactose?
- Pharmaceutical grade lactose is employed as a pharmaceutical excipient.
- So water buffalo milk may be slightly lower in lactose but not significantly so.
- There are a few mammals whose milk doesn't contain lactose (or very tiny quantities of it).
- All in all, lactose is close to the best and most versatile filler that can be used for pills.
- An allergic reaction to lactose is a concern, but few even of those who are dairy allergic have to be specifically concerned.
- Edible grade lactose is utilized in fine chemical applications, production of infant formulae, confectionery and food products.
- Not having lactase results in lactose intolerance, the name for having symptoms when you drink or eat any dairy product that contains lactose, which is most of them.
- Most experts in the field, she said, do think many of the symptoms linked with what is called lactose intolerance are probably more related to other kinds of psychological issues that have not been addressed.