
IPA: ɫˈeɪdʌnd


  • (obsolete or dialect) laden; loaded

Examples of "ladened" in Sentences

  • How dare you say that the most drug ladened,scripted form of male soap opera is fake!
  • Vendors, in mule-drawn wagons, ladened with clumps of wheat, wove through the town selling their wares.
  • These hateful, fear driven and emotion ladened terms do not work any more and should have not been allowed to work in the past.
  • Displays, such as a man and a young boy climbing a perilous-looking ladder ladened down with baskets, showed how dangerous the job was.
  • What holds up NASA today is a heavy bureaucracy ladened with self-serving and failure fearing managers who want to protect their own turf.
  • Newly released Deception (Ballantine Books, $28) finds Sturgis and Delaware grappling with a murder ladened with career landmines: The victim is a teacher at the prestigious prep school attended by the son of Sturgis 'boss.
  • A quick email with your name, job fair or meeting info in the subject line, can be a breath of fresh air and opportunity to the heavily burdened recruiter who is already ladened with company literature and other paper resumes.
  • BUT, uncompressed 5.1 FTW nindie yeh I agree man, I think more studios should take this lead and produce a bare-bone version for the Blu-ray release, especially for SFX-ladened pictures like Avatar, its gonna look and sound awesome! super_aj

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