IPA: ɫˈeɪdiʃɪp
- Term of respect for a woman of the peerage without using her title.
- (England and Commonwealth) Formal form of address for a lady judge (as opposed to the informal "judge").
Examples of "ladyship" in Sentences
- I am so sorry: I hope her ladyship is not dangerous.
- "Shall I step back and tell my lord your ladyship is ready?"
- If anything angers me now it is that 'ladyship' -- her to be my lady!
- "I am sure your ladyship is main good," replied the woman, taking the child from her.
- 'Her ladyship is certainly very brilliant,' said Clarence, 'but I hope that Miss Portman did not overpower you.'
- "I am glad her ladyship is here," said Dr. Grey, looking painfully embarrassed, but speaking in a calm monotonous voice.
- He answered that he did not know the book, and added, "But your ladyship is such a good judge of literature, I should leave the choice of books entirely to you."
- 'As your ladyship is going to several parties this evening, I think it but charitable to set you right in these particulars, and I hope you will be so charitable as to contradict the report of Miss Hartley's having been Clarence's mistress.'
- _turned out_ -- so I must set my head to work against the head of the head master, who is at this present moment inditing a letter to her ladyship, beginning, no doubt, with, '_I am sorry to be obliged to take up my pen_,' or, '_I am concerned to be under the necessity of sitting down to inform your ladyship_.'
- Now, you understand, I am not in the least obliged to Lady Anne for her kindness to Helena, because it all goes under the head of obedience, in my imagination; and her ladyship is paid for it by an accession of character: she has the reward of having it said, "Oh, Lady Anne Percival is the best wife in the world!"