
IPA: ɫˈægniˈæp


  • (chiefly Louisiana, Mississippi, Trinidad and Tobago) An extra or unexpected gift or benefit, such as that given to customers when they purchase something.

Examples of "lagniappe" in Sentences

  • Mobile's alternative newspaper is the Lagniappe.
  • "What we call a lagniappe, a little somethin 'extra.
  • The others were just thrown in as a little Lagniappe.
  • If they happen to solve real problems, that's lagniappe.
  • Being extra notable via Creative Commons is lagniappe but not necessary.
  • Tellem "JOE PARIS" sent you and receive some "lagniappe" with your meal!
  • Choonga, while an interesting word to know, has nothing to do with a lagniappe.
  • NEW ORLEANS — In these parts, they refer to it as lagniappe, a Cajun word that roughly translated means “a little bit extra.”
  • Just to entertain you, I'll pass on that JR, at L'homme qui marche, seeing "lagniappe" in your last entry, decided to look it up.
  • Waller's music, as "lagniappe," while cold chills raced up and down the spines of his hearers -- more or less immune to sensations of that character.
  • Baksheesh or whatever they call it; every language has its own word from "lagniappe" to "pishkesh" to "mordida" "h'eung yau" is - am I stereotyping yet or will a scholar back me up?
  • It is the unearnable gift, the divine reversal and sacred surprise, the still small voice that drowns out the din of the maddening crowd, the little bit extra that my Cajun friends call lagniappe, the very thing we "deserve" the least but get anyway.

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