IPA: ɫˈæmtʃˈɑp
- A chop or rib of lamb.
- A term of endearment.
Examples of "lambchop" in Sentences
- Anyone else see the shari lewis puppet?
- Thatnks for your kind comments about my Greek lambchop article recently.
- I know a lot of people like other lambchop albums, like "nixon" and "how I quit smoking."
- BTW, it looks like an oiled up Bradley Cooper in the 3rd photo with the lambchop sideburns holding a chicken.
- It doesn't belong on the "side", it belongs "under" -- a big plopful under a lambchop, pork medallions, even a slice of meatloaf.
- “Morning bell at seven, breakfast at seven-thirty, lessons from eight to twelve,” Pagan mumbled, as Kate cut her lambchop into little pieces.
- I would be a lambchop, succulent and juicy, and I would have had a wonderful life before I became a lambchop, gamboling across green hills and universally declared 'oh so cute .