
IPA: ɫˈæmpri


  • Any long slender primitive eel-like freshwater and saltwater fish of the order Petromyzontiformes, having a sucking mouth with rasping teeth but no jaw.

Examples of "lamprey" in Sentences

  • Fishers caught many lampreys.
  • The introductory paragraph explains about the sea lamprey.
  • Sea lampreys are parasitic fish that feed on others' blood.
  • [Footnote 809: 'Perhaps a kind of lamprey' (White and Riddle's
  • Spitchcock and Lamprey bicker over which one of them helped more.
  • Brook lamprey are only found in clear, cold brooks and small streams.
  • There is very little of the larval stage that characterizes the lamprey.
  • The three species of lamprey known to Maryland have distinctive dorsal fins.
  • Amongst the fish that thrive here are Brown Trout, Bullhead and Brook Lamprey.
  • A lamprey is brought in, extended in a dish, in the midst of floating shrimps.
  • In the past lamprey teeth marks have been identified on whale and porpoise bodies.
  • Lake Ontario is also plagued with invasive species, such as lamprey and zebra mussels.
  • Currently, the lamprey is a species of concern, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
  • His death was caused, in the year 1135, by eating too much of the fish called lamprey, and he was buried in
  • Your 'lamprey' was right on the money, and I agree with Donna as well - I feel the same way about that certain personage.
  • Kem has risen through the Voidcorp ranks by latching on lamprey style to rising stars, then stepping aside when those careers faltered.
  • The lamprey is the octopus, the devil-fish, of these waters, and there is, perhaps, no tragedy enacted here that equals that of one of these vampires slowly sucking the life out of a bass or a trout.
  • "One of the groups that really gets hit is the other kind of lamprey," Andrews said, adding that the northern brook, silver and American lamprey are three native species vulnerable to the effects of the chemical.
  • Local favorites include salt cod with crumbled corn-bread, lamprey in red wine, or papas de sarrabulho—a steaming black mash that involves the heart, lungs, liver and throat lining of a pig stewed in the animal's blood.
  • A worst-case scenario envisions [the monstrous fish] spreading "like a cancer cell," [said Cameron Davis, senior Great Lakes adviser to Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency], eventually dominating a fishery already damaged by zebra mussels, sea lamprey and other exotic pests ....

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