IPA: ɫˈændskeɪp
- A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains.
- A sociological aspect of a physical area.
- A picture representing a real or imaginary scene by land or sea, the main subject being the general aspect of nature, as fields, hills, forests, water, etc.
- The pictorial aspect of a country.
- (computing, printing, uncountable) a mode of printing where the horizontal sides are longer than the vertical sides
- A space, indoor or outdoor and natural or man-made (as in "designed landscape")
- (figuratively) a situation that is presented, a scenario
- To create or maintain a landscape.
Examples of "landscape" in Sentences
- As I said, the landscape is absolutely magnificent.
- Some might call it a green belt, or use the term "landscape urbanism."
- Now this landscape is a stage removed, half-blurred by dreams, its shades and shapes encroach on our security.
- "I've fished a lot of places, but this might be the only one where the landscape is as interesting as the fishing," he said.
- For most Timorese, the landscape is also populated by powerful spirits who are called rai na'in, literally meaning owners of the land.
- That's the name landscape painter Frederic Edwin Church gave to the Persian-style pile he built in Hudson, New York, after visiting Damascus, Jerusalem and Beirut.
- A part of the landscape is an interesting phenomenon; in amongst the endless fields, you will find the occasional lonely hill, rising abruptly from the earth and coming to a broad flat top ... utterly alien in that flat land, and upon reflection, very hard to explain.
- The masterplan for 2012, headed by Jason Prior, landscape architect and managing director of Edaw, clearly started with the proposition that this landscape is the context within which the huge variety of Olympic developments will take shape - the transport infrastructure, stadiums, housing.