
IPA: ɫˈændwɝdz


  • Towards land.

Examples of "landwards" in Sentences

  • He fled landwards to find a dry place.
  • He turned away, and, looking from Helena landwards, he said, smiling peculiarly:
  • That dark, dreary horizon we just discern to the left is the West Bay, terminated landwards by the Chesil
  • "It flows to Smuggler's Rock," said Andy, "but we swing landwards before we get there, to the Cliff of Birds."
  • “It is all over with us,” the captain cried in desperation; he had pointed his telescope landwards, and saw not a sign from the shore.
  • Lemanus (Hythe), a spit of shingle, whose bay, north-east and south-west, forms an inner lagoon, bounded landwards by conspicuous and weather-tarnished red cliffs.
  • Out in the fjord I dragged myself up once, wet with fever and exhaustion, and gazed landwards, and bade farewell for the present to the town — to Christiania, where the windows gleamed so brightly in all the homes.
  • The cities of Padua and Verona were wiped from the face of the earth; and the last glories of Venice sank for ever beneath the sea as the waters of the Adriatic came - thundering landwards after the hammer-blow from space.
  • Then he gathered the cords together and haled away at it, but found it weighty; and however much he drew it landwards, he could not pull it up; so he carried the ends ashore and drove a stake into the ground and made the net fast to it.
  • That he allotted the hardest tasks to Agravain may not have been coincidence, but the latter said nothing, hung on to the bucking rope, and helped to bring the lively boat about and send it skimming landwards, rocking in the spreading wake of the King's ship.
  • Shall I sing how at the first Leto bare you to be the joy of men, as she rested against Mount Cynthus in that rocky isle, in sea-girt Delos — while on either hand a dark wave rolled on landwards driven by shrill winds — whence arising you rule over all mortal men?

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