IPA: ɫˈæŋgʌst
- The spiny lobster
Examples of "langouste" in Sentences
- It was curious to see the dread shown by the common lobster to the langouste.
- We rowed back to the little inn at Ploumanach, and had some eggs and a hot langouste or rock-lobster.
- Provence_ and _langouste_ and Chabas's famous straw potatoes and rum omelette for ten days, and were sorry when it was all over.
- The descriptions of the lobster and the langouste are particularly minute, and the comparison or contrast between the two is drawn with elaborate precision.
- Her husband, like most French people, was sadly deficient in holiday spirit, and limited his revels to the consumption of oysters and langouste in a restaurant, in the company of his mistress.
- Astrid was clearly making an effort to look cheerful, but I could tell she was distraught, and even I felt a little guilty at the thought of poor Łukasz, who had been nice to me, languishing in some Communist jail cell while we feasted on langouste and oysters.