IPA: ɫˈɑrdʒɝ
- large or big relative to something else
Examples of "larger" in Sentences
- DEFINITELY do not make the title larger than the rest of the text.
- No exceptions, and DEFINITELY do not make the title larger than the rest of the text.
- No exceptions, and definitely do not make the title larger than the rest of the text.
- The arrangements of the house, which he described as larger than Drury-lane, he thought excellent.
- Because he made a choice: rather than employ a false objectivity, he embraced what he calls larger truths.
- President Bush today declared that the war between Israel and Hezbollah is part of what he called a larger struggle between the forces of freedom and the forces of terror.
- The greater the degree of predictability, the larger is the variance of ut and thus the greater is the relative contribution of uncertainty about future expected returns to long-horizon return variance. here is the link to an ungated version of the paper
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