IPA: ɫˈeɪtʌst
- The most recent thing, particularly information or news.
- (now rare, poetic) Last, final.
- Most recent.
- At the latest.
Examples of "latest" in Sentences
- While the term latest and greatest generally lasts only a day or two, the
- Audrey gets the cool computers in this family – her latest is a laptop, a HP DV7-1183CL.
- NPR's CEO Vivian Schiller said Williams 'comments were the latest is a series of troubling incidents over several years.
- This latest is a comedy called The Great Buck Howard starring John Malkovich and his assistant Colin Hanks struggling to get their careers back on track.
- This latest is a reversal after stonewalling the democrats on raising the federal minimum wage for several years and voting it down in session at least three previous times.
- The latest improvements were hurried to the front, and adopted by both armies almost simultaneously; for hardly had the Federal bought, when the Confederate captured, and used, the _very latest_.
- Last but not least, Larry (OF Blog of the Fallen) kick-started a heated debate on ASoIaF forum, questioning the premise that “the latest is also the greatest” - talking about debut efforts and (the veracity of) hype that builds around new authors – link.