IPA: ɫˈɔdʌnʌm
- (pharmacology) A tincture of opium, once widely used for various medical purposes and as a recreational drug.
- (transitive) To add laudanum to (a drink or the like).
- (rare) To cause (a person) to be high on laudanum.
Examples of "laudanum" in Sentences
- The true gum opium, and laudanum, which is its tincture, are derived from Eastern
- Paracelsus created the narcotic opium, which he called laudanum, for his patients.
- "To be sure I did, to calm down the pain; and that was what I call laudanum and Mr Briscoe here calls opium."
- A tin of Blue Pills, so labeled, and a bottle, not labeled, but recognizable, of black draught-laudanum, that is.
- Meanwhile, the tansy powder would do Clifford no harm, and the laudanum was a proper treatment for this acute period.
- And one of the things she did to help herself during this period was to take laudanum, which is a kind of opium derivative.
- As to the tincture of opium (commonly called laudanum) THAT might certainly intoxicate if a man could bear to take enough of it; but why?
- 'Is not it shocking to think,' continued she, after she had swallowed it, 'that in laudanum alone I find the means of supporting existence?'
- Perhaps this wet cloth in the original, is what we now call laudanum; a potion that overspreads the faculties, as the wet cloth did the face of the royal patient; and the translator knew not how to render it.