IPA: ɫˈæksʌtɪv
- Any substance, such as a food or in the form of a medicine which has a laxative effect.
- Having the effect of moving the bowels, or aiding digestion and preventing constipation.
Examples of "laxative" in Sentences
- My question is, why cant this lazy ass kid eat the laxative on his own?
- “The laxative was the lesser of the two evils, especially if your folks had found out.”
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK any kind of laxative or purge highly seasoned food alcoholic drinks
- Putting the word concern between quote marks is a poor laxative for understanding, ralph.
- A sherbet of the pods, being slightly laxative, is much drunk during the great heats; and the dried fruit, made into small round cakes, is sold in the bazars.
- The liberal use of these cooked vegetables has a tendency to prevent constipation, and some of them are called laxative foods, such as stewed onions and spinach.
- Relax had gone from being about giving up control of things like rules and bowel muscles perhaps with some help from a laxative to being about striving to do something quite particular: nothing.
- Most rhubarb available then was imported dried from China as a laxative, although some was also grown for medicinal purposes in England; fresh rhubarb was not used in British cooking until the late 18th century.
- It was not cultivated as a plant until the 17th century long after Elizabeth I, and then only speculatively, and mainly as a possible home-grown substitute for the expensive rhubarb root imported from the east and used as a purgative and laxative.