IPA: ɫˈidɝʃɪp
- The capacity of someone to lead others.
- A group of leaders.
- The office or status of a leader.
Examples of "leadership" in Sentences
- A change in leadership is just a drop in the bucket.
- This centre of excellence in leadership is located here in Toronto.
- They seem to forget positions in leadership is not the head of a ghetto.
- This Mayor of ours appears to taking the word leadership and showing us its meaning.
- He told Fox that Rumsfeld has run the Pentagon through intimidation and that a change in leadership is needed.
- Marine General Paul Van Riper told Fox that Rumsfeld has run the Pentagon through intimidation and that a change in leadership is needed.
- They are human – we all make mistakes – however when you are in leadership, your mistakes are excused but you're quality of leadership is below 0.
- Katrina, not only exposed inadiquicies in leadership from the Whitehouse, but also the great lengths they take from abstaining from blame while laying blame on others.
- Now, one of the most difficult things in leadership, especially in industrial leadership, is what I think we can call "communications", which means how you get the intention of the top man right to the boy with the oily rag, right down through the whole organization.