
IPA: ɫˈiki


  • Having leaks; not fully sealed.

Examples of "leaky" in Sentences

  • He does have moments a fear while living in what he describes as a leaky spacesuit.
  • All these produce what is called a leaky gut otherwise known as altered intestinal permeability.
  • Cities and towns shouldn't have to worry that the water lost in leaky pipes will mean ongoing shortages or usage restrictions.
  • But somewhere around the post-doc to professional scientist level, something happens which studies refer to as the "leaky pipeline."
  • The reality was decaying, dingy cities where underfed people shuffled to and fro in leaky shoes, in patched-up nineteenth-century houses that smelt always of cabbage and bad lavatories.
  • You know, it's interesting to note that Secretary Clinton used the word leaky to describe past U.N. sanctions, obviously referring to the fact that they have not always been as effective as they were hoping they could be.
  • "If you call a leaky old ferryboat with the weather so damp that you can't touch the rail without feeling as if you have had a dip in the briny -- if that's what you call romantic, then give me a good open fire and plenty of chicken bones to gnaw."

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