IPA: ɫˈinɪŋ
- A tendency or propensity.
Examples of "leaning" in Sentences
- Libertarian leaning is the key here, not full blown Krusty the Klown Libertarian.
- The list of negative connotations of far left leaning is too long to get into here.
- I did see that they slivered her in leaning over Donna ... but that hardly makes me happy.
- My ID views do not stem from a theological viewpoint (for the record, my theological leaning is for option #4) or any sophisticated philosophical analysis.
- The McCain leaning friend of mine who has been teasing me with tongue-in-cheek comments for the last couple of weeks for his text saying, "Frankly speaking, I admire what you are doing."
- In the 2008 election, "pure independents" made up only 7 percent of the electorate, and leaners still voted overwhelmingly for the candidates of the party they identified as leaning toward.
- There is something to be said that those with a stronger right brain leaning (more creative, rather than analytical) that making sketches and creative fonts may aid in the learning and remembering process.
- Just finished reading your book “Petite Anglaise” whilst working in Madrid and it had me engrossed, and I could thoroughly relate to it being a student studying languages (French and Spanish, but my strong leaning is towards the Spanish).