
IPA: ɫˈipɪŋ


  • a light springing movement upwards or forwards

Examples of "leaping" in Sentences

  • The damn dog is leaping in the air.
  • Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,
  • “Nick,” she says, the word leaping out before she has a chance to stop it.
  • He was in all truth a hero, worthy to be of that wing-helmeted company leaping from the beaked boats upon the bloody English sands.
  • Then they fought their way to the bank through swirling water and grinding ice, where, foremost in leaping to the rescue among the jarring fragments, was the Kid.
  • They fight him with the help of high-tech gizmos and near-superhuman feats: surviving car chases, leaping from a second-story window, dodging a syringe full of tetrodotoxin, “over a thousand times more lethal than cyanide.”
  • When he heated them they grew and grew, becoming quick and lumpy, until they could outwit him (and all his hungry guests waiting with beer and bread out in the yard) by leaping from the pan with their half-wings and running down the lane like boys.
  • This is not your ordinary, everyday headline; that's for sure, and I feel sorry for the fellow now in the ECU; but I cannot shake the image of a deer with the Screaming Eagle on his shoulder leaping from a plane and shouting "Geronimo" as he opens his 'chute.

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