
IPA: ɫˈɝnɝ


  • One who is learning.

Examples of "learner" in Sentences

  • The hallmark of a contextual learner is needing to see the relationships between the components in a situation.
  • All other directions necessary for the learner in school, as well as for the _private learner_, will be given in the succeeding pages of the work.
  • He's a learner from the old country – a tzadik, a saint; but every time he sees in the street a child with torn feet, he calls them in and patches them up.
  • After attending a democratic school and teaching high school and preschool in a democratic environment, I've come to settle on a personal definition of what democratic education is, which unfolds the word "learner" in IDEA's definition.
  • In this paper, Harder describes the recuded role of the learner: “The learner is not free to define his [sic] place in the ongoing [L2] interaction as he would like; he has to accept a role which is less desirable than he could ordinarily achieve”.
  • Nevertheless, good teachers (I argue) have the ability to intuit where the learner is going, what his/her present capacities are (their ZPD I guess), and to what extent these capacities can be realised (or, to use your term, ‘moved’) by well-judged interventions.
  • To be a passionate learner is to be willing to plunge into the unknown, to dive into the wreckage, to thrash around in the stormy seas of uncertainty rather than to sit calmly on the beach basking in what you believe (falsely most of the time) to be intractable and unyielding answers.
  • In any case, I agree with you when you say “good teachers (I argue) have the ability to intuit where the learner is going, what his/her present capacities are (their ZPD I guess), and to what extent these capacities can be realised (or, to use your term, ‘moved’) by well-judged interventions.”

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