IPA: ɫˈiʃ
- A strap, cord or rope with which to restrain an animal, often a dog.
- (obsolete) A brace and a half; a tierce.
- (obsolete) A set of three animals (especially greyhounds, foxes, bucks, and hares;)
- (obsolete) A group of three.
- A string with a loop at the end for lifting warp threads, in a loom.
- (surfing) A leg rope.
- (prosody) A kind of metrical construct in Skeltonics.
- To fasten or secure with a leash.
- (figuratively) to curb, restrain
Examples of "leash" in Sentences
- What part about "leash" is it these people don't understand?
- Right now, Jasper's leashed, and the handle of his leash is attached to my ankle.
- And a leash is absolutely required if you want to walk your dog in a neighborhood.
- Dogs aren't allowed anywhere in the city unless their leash is on their owner's hands.
- It does still stand as a sign of lazy parenting to me, though, which I already do plenty of so the "leash" is a kind of last stop for me.