IPA: ɫˈivd
- Obsolete form of left.
- (chiefly in combination, sometimes heraldry) Having a leaf, leaves or folds.
Examples of "leaved" in Sentences
- Because of battle of U.E.S., only were leaved 1.5 million.
- There is one other orchid; the exotic broad-leaved helleborine Epipactis helleborine.
- More recently, however, it has given place to the Narrow-leaved, which is much hardier, and equally efficacious.
- Anonymous said ... sir when i diposited my form at bjb junior collage i missly i had leaved to give my emaai can i add now
- Species include Aristolochia rotunda (Smearwort); Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache); and Chenopodium album (White Goosefoot).
- This is the Common Sage of the garden; and with the Green-leaved, which is but a sub-variety, the most esteemed for culinary purposes.
- One of the most prominent of these is the Broad-leaved, which is considered not only earlier and more productive, but the best for manufacturing.
- In the near rocks zone, a battle airship firmly adsorb to a great meteorolite, an eye warrior watch with scout far places of Flolamp fleets, soundless, Boss, Flolamp have leaved for Life Star.
- _Leaf-blades_ are broadly lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, spreading, flat, or in short-leaved forms, stiff and pungent, 1 to 2 inches long (rarely also 5 inches long), glabrous above and below, ciliate at the margins towards the base, and with a very minutely serrate hyaline margin.
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