IPA: ɫˈɛvʌn
- Any agent used to make dough rise or to have a similar effect on baked goods.
- (figurative) Anything that induces change, especially a corrupting or vitiating change.
- (transitive) To add a leavening agent.
- (transitive) To cause to rise by fermentation.
- (transitive, figuratively) To temper an action or decision.
- (transitive, figuratively) To imbue; to infect; to vitiate.
- To rise or become larger.
Examples of "leaven" in Sentences
- So "leaven" is used of false doctrine (Mt 16: 12: compare Mt 13: 33).
- But whether we call the leaven a good or evil thing makes little difference.
- We are leaven, in heaven. leaven-# a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid
- The disciples did not understand him as referring to their doctrine, because the word leaven was not often used among the
- Jews in searching every corner of their houses, and "purging out" every particle of leaven from the time of killing the lamb before the
- Apostle Paul also makes clear, saying: Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, and That ye may be unleavened, not having any leaven (for he calls leaven wickedness), but that ye may be a new dough.
- The exclusion of leaven for seven days would not be attended with inconvenience in the East, where the usual leaven is dough kept till it becomes sour, and it is kept from one day to another for the purpose of preserving leaven in readiness.
- For even -- an additional reason, besides that in 1Co 5: 6, and a more cogent one for purging out every leaven of evil; namely, that Christ has been already sacrificed, whereas the old leaven is yet unremoved, which ought to have been long ago purged out.
- The disciples, whose minds were occupied with their lack of provisions, the moment they heard the word leaven, thought of bread, concluded it must be because of its absence that he spoke of leaven, and imagined perhaps a warning against some danger of defilement from
- "_But_," he resumed, with renewed seriousness -- "_But ef Christians on'y knowed it_, dey kin put a _little leaven o 'solid Christianity_ in all de charity flour dey gi'es away, an' hit'll _leaven de whole lot_ so strong dat _too much water can't spile it_, nur _too much fire can't scorch it_, nur _too much fore-sight_ (ur whatever dis heah is de