IPA: ɫˈɛktʃɝ
- A spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to a group.
- (by extension) A class that primarily consists of a (weekly or other regularly held) lecture (as in sense 1), usually at college or university.
- A berating or scolding, especially if lengthy, formal or given in a stern or angry manner.
- (obsolete) The act of reading.
- (transitive, intransitive) To teach (somebody) by giving a speech on a given topic.
- (transitive) To preach, to berate, to scold.
Examples of "lecture" in Sentences
- What I call Japan's 'ambiguity' in my lecture is a kind of chronic disease that has been prevalent throughout the modern age.
- The lecture was thought to 'break down,' and indeed it quite did '_as a lecture_'; but only did from _embarras de richesses_ -- a rare case.
- Each sentence of his lecture is therefore preprogrammed into his computer, and Hawking controls the pace of its delivery through his limited hand movement and the cursor.
- From the students 'point of view (and let's face it, they're the customers!), the lecture is the least interactive part of a learning experience; the assignments/homework are the most interactive.
- Some of you here in this distinguished audience, and perhaps many of my colleagues who are not present, might say that the title I have chosen for this lecture is a strange and artificial construction.
- When one takes into consideration all of the above eyewitness accounts of statements made by Prof. Pianka then it becomes apparent that Forrest Mims did not misrepresent what Prof. Pianka said during his March 3, 2006 lecture, and that Forrest Mims's account of the lecture is accurate.